Hi guys!
So i have been MIA i have been working and i just dont feel like doing anything lately just lay down and spend as much time as i can with Alan before i head to work. but ill inform ya about my weekend and what i did!
Alan his dad me and my brother ended up going to White Waters it was a fun time. it was so hot so im glad we went that day i mean it has been hot everyday we havent had rain in so long. im seriously waiting for the fall and winter like im so over the hot weather this year. anyways i didnt end up taking pictures i was scared my camera would get messed up with the water. i wish i would have a camera proof camera maybe next year. we stayed till close then headed to chick-fil-a cuz i was hungry we got home around 9 pm and i was so tired i showered Alan and i took a shower also. washed some clothes and fell asleep. i was tired
i had to go into work at 8 in the morning but my parents had to go to church early so i went in at 715 i was tired as you can imagine. and i got out at 3 then we headed to church cuz my brother takes confirmation classes. omg it was so hot that day and Alan loves to play in the playground obviously i will take him regardless if im tired or not. got home around 7 showered then knocked out!
stayed home and worked at 4 till 10 thats about it
worked from 4 to 9 and i dont work till sunday phew cuz i am tired its 1136 pm right now and im bout to head to bed! im hoping i get up from my bed late tomorrow :)
so yep that has been my days so far. im hoping i can record some videos soon i need to do a nail polish haul so stay on that watch for that